Small Gestures

Really sorry ppl, this post should have been up few days back. In conjunction with the National Random Act of Kindness Day, I wanted to share with all of you a small story that happened awhile ago and gave a big impact or realization to me. This is how it all began on one fine... Continue Reading →

Bridesmaid’s Call 2

Finally here comes the day of the engagement, I am in a complete mess and I am not sure whether I can make it to Tasyah's engagement(seriously....... I know I am terrible friend). Do you want to know why? I actually signed up for an online training which requires me to attend the training from... Continue Reading →

Bridesmaid’s Call 1

On the 3rd of October 2017, we(I meant Husna, Wahida and myself) didn't see it coming at all. A lady made us wait anxiously saying that she has something for us and it's surprise. This lady is Tasyah and she is full of surprises and love of course. Her full name is Natasyah and in short... Continue Reading →

Indian Fashion

The word 'fashion' alone has never gone out of season and always been trending every season. Fashion industry is ever-growing and almost every second at least one designer is penning down or sketching his/her idea to communicate and create the design into a masterpiece that he/she dream off. In the context of Wikipedia, fashion is... Continue Reading →

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